About ITS
International Training Solutions (ITS) is a division of AEII, LLC – QuickBooksRuS. ITS provides innovative training solutions by way of Live Classroom Training Programs, Online Training Programs, VLIVE™ Training Programs, and One-on-One Training Programs.
AEII Products and Services:
AEII is a leading international consulting, training, and system development organization founded in 1986, based in the Indianapolis Indiana area, and specializes in Service Businesses and primarily the Collision Repair Industry. AEII has developed computer solution software programs, training seminars, and provided on-site consulting services for many top organizations including I-CAR, ASA, John Bean, Mitchell, Standox North America, Ford Motor Company, DuPont, ICI, Kansas Jack, Blackhawk, Pacific Gateway, Syan, Spies Hecker of Australia, Sherwin Williams, Body Shop Video, FixAuto, and Konica. We have been also a regular contributing editor of many national and international Industry publications.. AEII offers a variety of services to the industry including:
- business software evaluation, installation, and implementation
- shop layout and design; innovative equipment offerings
- computer network procurement, installation and support; web site design and development
- sales and management training and coaching; staff evaluations
- leadership training; ethical management; risk management
- training programs from individual in-house, conventional classroom, to the latest electronic multi-media online training solutions
- business health checks/onsite analysis programs
- "twenty group" facilitation (TheChampionsGroup.info)
- production and administration process improvement (Kaizen/Lean Implementation)
- CSI Plus ... The innovative CSI Program
- Developer and Provider of Critcal Backup Solutions (Critical-Backup.com)
Collision Industry Related Legal Expert Witness
Diminished Value Inspection and Valuation
AEII also provides expert witness testimony for collision repair industry issues such as improper repairs, fraud identification, and business practices. AEII has provided these services for both Plaintiffs and Defendants across the United States. In addition, AEII provides vehicle inspection services for identification of fraud, diminished value, and improper repairs.
ISO9000:2000 implementation and auditing (qasidirect.com)
The Collision Industry First and Only ISO Based Quality Management System. Audited and Verified through International Quality Standards.
Online Document, Standard Operating Procedures, Industry Specific Sharing Site.
Developed and Released: 2000
The Personal Concierges Phone App
What is the best way to stop Insurance Company Steering ?
Before they can do it ! This phone app is designed to have your customers and prospective customers contact you from the accident scene, even before the police arrive. The app is also filled with important consumer information that is designed to educate the consumers in your market.
QuickBooksRus is a brand of services provided by AEII that focuses on the proper setup and usage of QuickBooks® accounting software. AEII has been a certified QuickBooks® consultant and trainer on all versions of QuickBooks® since 1999. Key specialty areas include:
- System integration of 3rd party management systems to QuickBooks®
- Troubleshooting and repairing QuickBooks® data files
- Installation and setup of QuickBooks® and 3rd party management systems
- Installation of networks and workstations
- QuickBooks® Company file divides
- Month/Year end financials cleanup prior to sending to CPA for tax returns
- Innovative Training options for industry specific QuickBooks® usage and setup
- QuickBooks® proper process training
- Investigation of possible embezzlement issues
- Financial cleanup and organization for due diligence in a business sale
- benchmarking and financial analysis coaching
- Full line QuickBooks Training and Support (QuickBooksRus.net)
Seminars, Meeting Presentations, Trade Shows
AEII has given hundreds of presentations to a number of organizations and taught thousands of students worldwide. Our presentations have included technical, informational, financial, management, and motivational workshops. We have spoken to many industry groups including Adjuster Associations, Allstate, Aetna and State Farm Insurance Companies, as well as Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, California, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, North Dakota State Collision Groups. We have also spoke to Technical Training and Education Groups, along with Consumer groups including the local Lions and Rotary Clubs. We also have spoken internationally in many countries including Malaysia, Trinidad, China, South Korea, Canada, and Australia. Whether it is an association evening dinner meeting or an international industry event, AEII is available to provide the highest quality presentation that is both educational and entertaining.
Know more about ICN
AEII is a founding member of ICN, International Consulting Network. We work together to provide our clients with the best products and services available. We are always willing to partner with forward thinking providers to the benefit of our clients. If you are interested in becoming part of our growing Network, or wish to become a Value Adding Reseller of our innovative products, contact us at: partnering@aeii.net